When a specific gate has been breach danger lurks within the town of Sagittarius. With the special monitoring wristbands the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings are amongst twenty eight supernatural creature's that were send to Sagittarius town to keep humanity safe from their neutral enemies who are willing to bring humanity to an end by all means. Two year ago a tragic accident had occurred near the Thestral bridge three vehicles unexpectedly collided into one another which causes a fire explosion, the accident had taken the life's of seven people. The president and his wife Tabitha alongside there son Parker and his girlfriend Kanata and two students from Aquarius high was involved in the accident, Candace Alysson became the soul survivor after she was pulled from the car before it had exploded by a male with brown skin dark curly hair and eyes that glowed bright blue. The town folks came together to host a memorial for the seven victims, Sagittarius town will never be the same again it will take time before the town folks heal from the shock meanwhile the professor had think that there's more to the car crash. Early Monday morning in the streets of Lahey Josephine had went by her aunt Charity mansion to pick up her two younger cousins Candace and Ivanita as Josephine car pulled up the driveway the girls came running towards the car and as they enter the backseat Josephine notice that Ivanita wasn't wearing her tie which she quickly sends her for it. As Ivanita stepped out of the car her mom Charity handed her the tie along with her Spanish textbook which she happily takes before reentering the car as the vehicle drove off Charity head back inside the house. At the meantime Hardin car had just pulled out of Aquarius high parking lot when he had encountered Josephine car pulling in, the siblings quickly locked eye contact before going their separate ways, right after pulling into the school parking lot the three girls then exited the car, suddenly a grey Mercedes blocked their paths Josephine quickly stood in front the girls, upon seen that there's no danger the trio was about to cross when another grey Mercedes pulled up towards them at fill speed luckily for the trio Candace had reacted quickly and pulled them to the other side, as the four teens enter the school building Josephine was fuming with anger her anger soon vanishes upon seen Melanie. Melanie warmly hugs her, everyone then proceeded to make there way to the assembly room the four new students then enter the hallway the three girls had their head held high and upon entering the assembly room they were welcomed by the principal Isaac Orlando the new students were then introduced as Lauressa Thestral Arianna Sherwood Cordelia Sherwood and Rhydian Sherwood who had transferred from Lily Academy, been the head girl Josephine was then task with showing the four students around the school Ivanita finds it strange that the new students had transferred to this school in the middle of an examination week. During first period Serena alongside her cheerleaders makes their way onto the play field meanwhile inside miss Alexa classroom Tori-An made quite on impression on Cordelia who already has resentment towards her not long before class was over Cordelia overhear Tori-An telling her classmate that she has Biology class Cordelia then checks her timetable and realized that she also has Biology class, after starving for hours Brooklyn became exhausted as the bell rings she alongside her friends rushes into the cafeteria, the new students also enter the cafeteria Maelyn had notice how the four students demeanor had changes upon seen a white hair girl the new students then exited the cafeteria right behind the white hair girl, Maelyn realized that Josephine still haven't come to sit with them despite Candace telling her to give Josephine a minute Maelyn quickly went searching for her that's when she came across Cordelia and the same white hair girl from earlier the white hair girl seems to have whispered something in Cordelia ear Cordelia then turns and stare at Maelyn, and before Maelyn could react the two proceeded to walk off. After school Maelyn went to Tika Library to do a bit of research about Lily Academy and in her research she learns some shocking details Lily Academy had burnt down back in nineteen ninety four she wonders why the new students would lie, before she could finish her research she received a text message from Josephine asking to meet right after she leave the Library she notice the same white hair girl from earlier and decided to secretly followed her into the forest where the girl suddenly stop, thinking she about to be discover Maelyn hid behind a tree and watches closely as the girl stood inside a circle upon hearing footsteps approaching the girl kneels down right as Rhydian appeared with Cordelia Lauressa and Arianna she notice Rhydian holding a red cloth in his hand Maelyn eyes followed Lauressa as she and Arianna began chanting over the white hair girl who's kneeling down she realized that instead of five teens there were now four suddenly she spins around and froze upon seen Cordelia with sharp fangs Maelyn screams which quickly alerts the others who turned their heads in her direction Lauressa panic upon seen Maelyn, the white hair girl stood up and lifted her hands as she's about to recite the words to wipe Maelyn memory the five teens were stunned when Maelyn threw Valerie into a pound without lifting a finger before she could stand on her feet Maelyn took off running. And upon returning home Rhydian explained the situation to Jaromir before he could speak Valerie informed him that Maelyn had indescribable powers like a Thestral witch and saying that she glance over at Lauressa who rolled her eyes, Rhydian told him that that Maelyn is what they called a harvest witch Jaromir then told them to keep on eye on her. Two days later Maelyn went to Lahey street knocking on the Thestral Sherwood door seemly looking for help Jaromir opened the door didn't seems surprise to see her Maelyn hesitate as he told her to get in upon entering the house he guides her to the living room where she notice Rhydian Lauressa Valerie Cordelia and Arianna, Maelyn with anger informed them that she wasn't able to control her powers due to their ritual the five teens glance back and fourth at each other Arianna stared at Jaromir as he exited the room not before reminding them to stay inside, hours pass by and when Jaromir didn't returned Lauressa grew worried while Rhydian tried calling him Maelyn on the other hand created fire which Valerie wasn't pleased about a sudden noise attracts Rhydian as he followed the sound due to his keen smell he was able to detect fresh blood he slowly turned around to face the front door that's now wide opened Rhydian immediately shouts for Arianna to protect Maelyn as Arianna Lauressa and Maelyn hurriedly went upstairs to hide, meanwhile Cordelia fangs grows as she searches for her prey, she then sees Hutchins standing outside Rhydian was about to called him inside when he shouted upon realizing that Hutchins had been bitten and upon hearing the commotion the girls quickly went back down stairs, the teenagers stared at Hutchins as he collapse onto the ground Jaromir hurriedly went to his side holding him into his arms as he slips away and before Jaromir could grief he notice a paper in his hand as he takes the paper his eyes wide open upon seen a list leave by Hutchins, suddenly they were attack once again as they desperately tries to get away they quickly came up with a plan of their own due to both Cordelia and Rhydian superhuman ability they were able to trick the witch which leads to Lauressa Valerie and Arianna vanishing her, hope quickly bloomed inside Maelyn when Arianna promises to trained her and upon hearing a horrifying scream Cordelia glance at Rhydian as the two became puzzled. Later that day Valerie head towards the Thestral Sherwood home seemly invisible when she collided into someone the two fell and Valerie no longer invisible she looks up to see eight teenagers staring at her as their faces went pale in horror while inside the Thestral Sherwood dark modern mansion Rhydian heard the noises outside he along with the others went outside and was surprised to see Brooklyn Ivanita Melanie Tori-An Josephine Candace and Hardin, Jaromir realized that Brooklyn might also be a witch as they all gathered inside the house to discuss the seven teens abilities Tori-An realized there's more to the Sherwood and the Thestral siblings than meets the eye. Tori-An Ivanita Cordelia Maelyn Melanie Brooklyn and Hardin learnt the dark truth of the existence of the mystical world that they never knew had existed.
After learning about the existence of mystical species an how dangerous some creatures are they viewed the world differently however little did the Orlando the Alysson the Raeken siblings including Tori-An and Brooklyn knew, they had just made themselves a target of other creatures the seven teenagers decided to joined the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings on there daily missions, while Maelyn becomes a new witch in training. At dawn Hardin impatiently awaits for his sisters return, suddenly there's a tap on the window as both Josephine and Melanie climbs through the open window, Melanie excitedly informed Hardin about the creature they had encountered while the two were talking their father Isaac suddenly interrupted them by reminding them that they will be joining their aunt Charity and their cousins Candace and Ivanita for dinner. At the meantime Charity chef prepared different meals while Candace and Ivanita takes their baths then proceeds to head downstairs where they encounter their cousins, Ivanita jumps onto Hardin back Candace hugs both Melanie and Josephine, Hardin falls onto the floor with Ivanita they all laugh as Josephine helps them both up before proceeding to the dinner table Hardin excitedly talks about his big game and suddenly silence filled the air with sadness in their yes they all seems to remember Parker sitting at the exact table with excitement in his eyes as he talks about his big game, as time passes the teenagers went to Ivanita bedroom to change into their outfits while Hardin got dress in his football jersey, meanwhile at the Thestral Sherwood home Cordelia Lauressa Arianna and Rhydian got ready for Aquarius big match. At Aquarius high the guest sat onto the bleachers Charity sat close to Isaac, few minutes before the big game Lauressa wishes Hardin a good luck soon Aquarius high school footballers and cheerleaders rushes out onto the field the cheerleaders intend to cheers them on Hardin proceeded to score many goals for his team as it came down to the final round both Hardin and Nicklaus leads their team to victory Lauressa Arianna Cordelia and Rhydian went back into the school hallway, Candace glance at Hardin and saw Parker reflection upon seen him holding a trophy. After there big game the principal celebrated the victory Josephine brought Maelyn drinks as the two watches the cheerleaders proceeds to cheer once more, Nicklaus grabs Hardin hand helping him up as the two dancing shirtless on top of the table Tori-An stared at Serena as the two tried their best not to laugh. Afterwards Cordelia Lauressa Arianna Rhydian and Valerie went back outside to sit onto the bleachers to discuss their next plan while at the school entrance two mask up teenagers enter the school hallway holding weapons the two then proceeds to enter the principal office in searching of some documents upon finding it the two were about to leave when they're confronted by Isaac and a confrontation between the three causes a dispute right as Isaac tried to grab the documents, and upon hearing the commotion the guests gathered in the hallway suddenly four shots rang out alerting everyone that was outside as they rushes inside Lauressa Arianna Valerie Cordelia and Rhydian watches as the principal Isaac Orlando laying onto the ground covered in blood Charity quickly holds him in her arms as he struggled to breathe the Orlando siblings drops to their knees and cried out Candace held Ivanita seen his father in that state rage took over Hardin and without hesitation he attacks the teenagers the boys were pulled apart and the two managed to escape before the cops arrived the seven teens were then escorted to their homes, while Charity went to the hospital with him Isaac died at Gemini hospital shortly after he had arrived he was then transferred to the morgue. The next day the town was shock upon learning about Isaac Orlando death Rhydian scrolls through Ivanita comments section where few fans gave their condolences and the others try dragging the family down, the Orlando siblings along with Candace decided to take a break from school and leave town for few days while the other students went back to their normal lives Tori-An and Maelyn continued to go on missions with Lauressa Arianna and Rhydian at the meantime Cordelia becomes enemy with Serena the two constantly argued and competed against each other. We creatures aren't allowed to use our powers against humans we only get rid of evil force Lauressa reminded the others.
Inside the attic of the Thestral Sherwood home Arianna remember seen a room and upon trying to enter she was thrown into the wall, right as she regain her strength she realized that the room is guarded by a powerful magic. Jaromir who's already inside the locked room sense that someone had tried to enter, and not wanting to get caught quickly exited the room he didn't seem to notice that a single petal falls from the black enchanted rose place inside a glass container. At school during the first period Lauressa stared hopelessly at Arianna who refuses to help her with the body swapping spell, at the meantime Cordelia reaction to Serena proposal leaves the cheerleaders surprised and before Serena could react Cordelia walks off, inside the school cafeteria Arianna seated close to Lauressa and Rhydian suddenly the atmosphere changes once Brooklyn approaches them and upon feeling unease Cordelia head home. After school the students heads to the parking lot while inside the bathroom Brooklyn began coughing out black fluid along with a piece of cloth suddenly the flights began flickering which leaves Brooklyn in a panic state as the lights stop flickering she glances at her reflection in the mirror and was horrified to see a spinning wheel she hurriedly exit the bathroom and nearly collided in Arianna, upon seen the dreadful look across her face Arianna quickly leads her into the parking lot Arianna then advise her to get some sleep Serena standing near her car watches the two closely. At Brooklyn home she laid in her bed watching a movie onto her laptop when suddenly she heard something falling from her kitchen then she heard strange noises thinking it's her kitten she went looking for him that's when her eyes landed on a painting of a spinning wheel draw onto her wall she screamed upon rubbing her hand onto the painting and realized it was blood, after entering the house Mackenzie screamed as she called for an ambulance after finding her daughter, shaking uncontrollably onto the ground, at Gemini hospital her mom stayed to make sure that she's alright and after the nurse releases her Mackenzie sleeps beside her that night. The very next day Brooklyn along with Tori-An and Maelyn stayed at her house for a movie day the girls ordered pizza along with McDonald's upon hearing the door bell Brooklyn went to collect their food upon opening the door she scream as she's surrounded by four dark figures her whole body began to convulsed uncontrollably after hearing the scream both Tori-An and Maelyn panics as they searches for her unaware that she had vanishes the two searches the entire house and to their dismay she was nowhere to be find, that's when Maelyn texted Lauressa asking for their help the six teens along with Jaromir went searching everywhere for her after waking up from her trans Brooklyn saw her mom and hurriedly tried catching up with her, at dusk Brooklyn emerge from the darkness clutching her chest as she screamed in pain upon seen her Arianna hurriedly went to her suddenly Arianna lost sight of Brooklyn meantime Cordelia was searching for Lauressa and was a bit creep out when she saw Brooklyn, standing near the dark alley staring intensely at something. Later on Tori-An notice a drawing Brooklyn had made and quickly showed it to Rhydian upon further discovery Rhydian realized Brooklyn was drawing the spinning wheel. Upon visiting the fair the teenagers separated to pursue Brooklyn, and during the search Maelyn notice a figure staring blankly at Brooklyn it then pointed at her which frightened her as it vanishes Maelyn started feeling unease and collapsed into Jaromir arms, realizing that once Brooklyn came in contact with the spinning wheel her finger will be pricked which will place her in a deep sleep. Jaromir told Rhydian and Cordelia to find the spinning wheel while near the fair Arianna screams upon seen a scary ghost lurking behind Lauressa in order to help Brooklyn Lauressa and Arianna began chanting a spell which allowed her to become unconscious Jaromir decided to confront the entity by luring it towards him just like he had expected the entity showed up it fights against the three witches and proven the be no match for them. At the meantime Brooklyn felt drawn towards the spinning wheel and just as she about to touch it Rhydian and Cordelia showed up in time to stop her, after receiving Rhydian text Valerie showed up and pulled Brooklyn out of the trans by destroying the spinning wheel the others immediately showed up just as Brooklyn collapse onto the ground. Anita they all laugh as Josephine helps them both up before proceeding to the dinning table Hardin excitedly talks about his big game when suddenly silence filled the air with sadness in their eyes they all seems to remember Parker sitting at the exact table with excitement in his eyes as he talks about his big game, as time passes the teenagers went to Ivanita bedroom to change their outfits while Hardin got dress in his football jersey, meanwhile at the Thestral Sherwood home Cordelia Lauressa Arianna and Rhydian got ready for Aquarius big match. At Aquarius high the guest sat onto the bleachers Charity sat close to Isaac few minutes before the big game Lauressa wishes Hardin a good luck Aquarius high school footballers and cheerleaders rushes out onto the field the cheerleaders intend to cheers them on Hardin proceeded to score many goals for his team as it came down to the final round both Hardin and Nicklaus leads their team to victory Lauressa Arianna Cordelia and Rhydian went back into the school hallway, Candace glance at Hardin and saw Parker reflection upon seen him holding a trophy. After there big game the principal celebrated the victory Josephine brought Maelyn drinks as the two watches the cheerleaders proceeds to cheer once more, Nicklaus grabs Hardin hand helping him up as the two dancing shirtless on top of the table Tori-An stared at Serena as the two tried their best not to laugh. Afterwards Cordelia Lauressa Arianna Lauressa and Valerie went back outside to sit onto the bleachers to discuss their next plan while at the school entrance two mask up teenagers enter the walks through the school hallway holding weapons the two then proceeds to enter the principal office in searching of some documents upon finding it the two were about to leave when they're confronted by Isaac a confrontation between the three causes a dispute as Isaac tried to grab the documents hearing the commotion the guests gathered in the hallway suddenly four shots rang out alerting everyone that was outside as they rushes inside Lauressa Arianna Valerie Cordelia and Rhydian watches as the principal Isaac Orlando layed onto the ground covered in blood as Charity held him in her arms he struggled to breathe the Orlando siblings drops to the group as the screamed in horror Candace held Ivanita as the the cried seen his father in that condition rage overtook Hardin and he got into a heated fight with on of the teenager the boys were pulled apart and the two managed to escape before the cops arrived the seven teens were then escorted to their room while Charity went to the hospital with him Isaac died at Gemini hospital shorty after he arrived he was then transfer to the morgue. The next day the town was shock upon learning about Isaac Orlando death Rhydian scrolls through Ivanita comments section where few fans gave their condolences and the others try dragging the family down the Orlando siblings along with Candace decided to take a break from school and leave town for few days the other students went back to their normal lives Tori-An and Maelyn continued to go on missions with Lauressa Arianna and Rhydian at the meantime Cordelia becomes enemy with Serena the two constantly argued and competed against each other. We creatures aren't allowed to use our powers against humans we only get rid of evil force Lauressa reminded the others.