
The World Beyond Reality

chs / week

Chapter 1 - Chapter One

The streets were noisy as usual. People talking, cars, dogs, cats or even children. But if you listen really carefully, you can even hear some conversations.

„Hey, have you heard about the new dungeon that appeared?"

„Yes, I did. The Horizon Hunters Guild said they'd send a team to clean the dungeon".

And if you look closer into the crowd, you can see a 14 year old boy named Yoo Minho.

He has tousled black hair and deep black eyes. He wears a simple black hoodie and faded blue jeans, exuding a relaxed and confident vibe.

Oh yes, today is the first day of high school.

Minho was so excited that he got up at 6am and started walking through the crowded streets, trying to find his way through all the people.

But then his phone rang and he took it out and answered it.


„Minho, where are you? Are you going to be late for your first day at school?"

„Don't worry mum, I'm almost at school"

„Ok, just try to be there in 10 minutes, ok?"

„Okay, Mum. See you later."

After that he hangs up and continues walking down the streets, he pulls up the hood of his black sweater and walks into an alley. He sees the end of the alley and goes straight to it, only to find another crowd of people walking and chatting. But Minho suddenly notices that the crowd is looking at a giant television set on the „Centre of Korea". He looks up and sees a hunter team on the TV, raiding the new dungeon that has appeared.

„This is Team Horizon reporting live from the new dungeon that has just appeared. It's been 10 hours since the raid started and we haven't gotten any closer to the dungeon boss. We are losing men one by one and there is not much time left, I repeat, there is not much time left until…"

Suddenly, the screen went black and everyone began to murmur, wondering what had happened.

„Haha, those idiots. Always the same with the hunters, they go into a dungeon and then boom. They are all dead," Minho says in his mind.

After the black screen, we see the hunter team again, but this time their leader is speaking into a microphone.

„This is Team Horizon, we are in desperate need of reinforcements. We have lost many men, our food is almost gone and the only way out is through the boss. This is not a request, this is an emergency!"

After the man said that, he threw the microphone down and started fighting the boss again.

Minho continued on his way, walking away from the crowd because it annoyed him that some hunters were stupid and selfish.

But just as he was about to leave, he suddenly bumped into someone and fell down. He looked up to see a boy a little taller than him, with blue eyes and blond hair.

„Oi, watch where you're going. I just bought this and I don't want to ruin it!"

„Sorry, it was an accident," Minho says as he stands up, pulling out a knife hidden under his jumper and slicing the boy's throat, saying.

„Watch where you're going, you piece of shit".

„You, bastard," the boy says, holding his neck as he faints.

„Tch, such a wimp. Can't even stand a little blood loss".

Minho goes through the boy's pockets and steals his phone, money and ID. After that, he cleans up the crime scene and disappears into an alley.

He takes a turn into the alley and then another and after a while he comes out in a park. He sits down on a bench and takes out the phone he stole and looks at the news from the dungeon that has just been uploaded.

„Huh, looks like the hunter team has been wiped out, what kind of fools are they?"

He thinks for a while. After a while he gets up and walks north. He puts the phone in his pocket, but for a moment the display shows „The location of the new dungeon is 1 mile north of the centre of Korea".

As he walks through the park, he hears some people talking.

„Hey, did you see how cool the Hunter team was?"

„Yeah, especially the leader. He was the only one standing and still fighting the boss. Too bad the boss killed him"

„What was his name again?"

„His name was Yong Gi-Hun"

„Wow, he was such a great guy. Too bad the whole hunter team died"

Minho goes to a tree and strikes it in anger.

„I'll show you what a true warrior is. I'll take your place and kill the boss".

He looks up to the sky and says.

„When you see me, Father, I will surpass you. I will show the world what it means to be strong.

He walks to a lake and washes his bloodied hands.

„I hope no one has noticed that the body is missing. Otherwise I would have a problem".

He continues his journey and finally arrives at the dungeon cave. He notices some reporters and Hunter officials.

„Shit, how do I get past them? Ah, right, with my speed, no one can catch me"

„Status window open"

*a blue window appears out of nowhere where stands

Name: Unknown

Age: ???


1. Shadow dive

2. Knife/Sword Master

Effects: Killers Spot

„Open information about Killers Spot

Killer Spot

Effect: You will be marked as a red dot on the Hunter Police map for 10 minutes for killing someone.

„Oh damn, I didn't know that"

Minho says.

„Whatever, let's get this show on the road."

Minho dives into a shadow and disappears from the scene. He runs and hides and sneaks behind the officers, when he comes to a group of officers he dives into their shadows and hides, the officers notice nothing.

„That was close"

Minho says.

He sneaks past a group of officers and finally arrives at the dungeon.

He walks in and can already feel the aura flowing through the dungeon. He looks around and sees blood everywhere.

„Man, what a mess"

He continues walking and finally comes to a hall.

„Well, that was anticlimactic. It was a normal hall, no big surprise."

Just as he finishes his sentence, a monster jumps out of the floor.

„Well, looks like my job starts now."

He takes a step forward and draws his knife.