
Chapter 6 - The Day We Date A Lot

Well, the day when we dates. It is Sunset middle the Summer Time in this years, a little windy and absolutely so make me feel a little bit more glad with this busy day. I waiting for him just five minutes after I trough down from the Buildings and from the office's lift. 

I saw him in this days after severals weeks we didn't met and just makes phone in our relationship when we had some problem in our relationship. 

"Hey, Darlin', how's your day today?" I smiles at him and he just smiles just like before in his Handsome and Charing babyface. 

He walking so quickly to reach where are standing belong in front of my Office then saying so gently to me after for a long time. Yaps, severals weeks. "Hi, Beautiful, long time not see you," I got one little kissed in my cheecks and then he hugh me so tight just as like as usually before sadly days. 

"Wow, that is so nice and very memorable welcoming, Darlin," I said with a big smiles that make him so grateful for. 

Then, he pulling my body walking next to him to following and chasing him in the pavement then going to the car and he open the car's door for me then i am in his car with happy and face in the space of car and then I saying that so sweet. "Thanks so much my Darlin'," I said so sweet and full of my childish sides. 

"No problem, My Honey," My Handsome and my charming Boyfriend's replied that with really really polite and with all his capability for the perfectly perfect Boyfriend he trying gonna to. Then, he walking half around to the another side car and then, Camming in his Car to starting on his Car so we can go right now. " Why, are you more prettier, My Honey?" he starting to handle the Car with one single thing question in our journey to the Restaurant that he have booking a view seconds ago before i open my Cellphone to check his chatting for a while when i spent my time standing out there to waitting his caming up. 

Oh, listen that, he starting to fixing it again, and i knew his strugles and his strategic for make it okay again. And, thats made me so satified when I seeing that best perform in this Big Appoinment. "Oh, are you seriously, Ma Dear, Thomas?" I just make it sure before I dissapoint or something else. 

Thomas then laugh and, i hear his laughing so clearly eventough it just in seconds times. "Haha," he laugh then i just smiles and looking seriously to him in my left besides. "Ya, that so really really seriously and honestly its trully," Thomas's explainning that so glad and then he make some surely expressions to make sure me. Just wanna make me to believing in his beautiful and deep Brown and warmth of his clearly eyes. 

Really really make me feel like flying away for all of the reasons. 

And just look at me now! What a surprising me at all of this suck weeks what just gave me a full hot of some Panic and stressing. Heard that, make me feel so outta of my sadly area or my comfort zone in my habbit to heal my dissapointment , I mean- our my problems since at the first of this month. "Wow, Darlin', that made me so glad and really really have courage for believing that, just can saying to you, thankyou very much," I said with so make it more be surprising and more memorable to me and also to precious and belove him so badly. 

"Really really never mind, My Beatiful Sunshine and beautiful you," My Boyfriend replied my words just right now so nicely and so sweet then absolutely honestly too. "And thankyou so much just appreciate my worth in my hard strugling trying to fixing everything that made you sad since the first day in this Month," he said thankyou for my courage too trying gonna make trust him anymore. 

Yaps, once again. 


Then, just anymore. 

I shake my head up to him twice when our Car was stopped by Public Police Sign and we just stuck soon with this crowded road in normally day and that times in the evening of This Summers Holiday and the other things of this Summer Holiday's Time. Like a Normaly Holiday's every single time of these all seasons in one year. "That is was so precious thing in our relationship, Darlin'," i felt so be wiser and be so lovable was have him, after that all of our problem in our lovable and so lovely days in our relationship. 

"Ya, and just wanna to show you my worth and my better fixing for all every single little thing in our relationship, My Honey Hon," he starting continues our journey in the middle in our journey, slow down in Tri Jucntions and then turn right more slowly in this route. 

Then, I just shakes my head more than twice more again, and again then, I want to crying like a little Girl when I heard something so tauching or something so pursueing my heart so fast. "Well, uummm, thats so tauching and so worth for me, My dear Thomas!" I can feel and I can seeing in my blury eyes beacause it is so clearly if any something real just to camming down if I close my little eyes. The happy tears in my eiger of my eyes. "That is was so incredible and i wanna know your words can be reality like you are," then he just so slowdown to the way down in the route of our Journey in just evening Summer Time then, he looks at me for a seconds to make him clearly and sure if I crying because of his words or his actions in this time. 

"That my best and my better gonna would do!" Thomas said so clearly and directfull to my crying eye's in this perfect time. 

And, I just can smile and hope so much. More than that the hopes! 



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