
Chapter 10 - Special


"She survived? That should be impossible."

"I'm afraid not. She was poisoned by the blade, yet she had survived." Luke, one of my spies informed me. Everything had gone just as we had planned, everything except the death of Hayley.

The plan had been simple, keep causing havoc until Damian decides to intervene personally. Afterwards, the second step was to forfeit and allow themselves to be captured, and the last step had been for Luke to "accidentally" release one of the culprits when Damian was off guard. He was to stab Damian with a poisoned blade, one that only I had the antidote to.

Catching Damian off guard would be next to impossible, and if that had been the case, Luke would have been the one to deal the finishing blow. However, with Hayley's addition to the crew, things became a lot easier. But somehow, she had managed to survive despite being poisoned with the most lethal dose of a newly discovered species of wolfsbane.

"How did she do it?! How was she saved?!" I inquired eagerly. I wanted to know how this was possible. If it had been Damian, I would have concluded that his power as an Alpha somehow superseded the effects of the poison. However, a nobody like Hayley should have died minutes after getting stabbed.

Luke shifted uneasily, glancing around as if searching for unseen eavesdroppers. "We don't know for sure," he admitted. "But there are rumors."

"Rumors?" I echoed, feeling a surge of frustration. Rumors were little more than the currency of the desperate. "I need facts, Luke, not tavern gossip."

"Still, these might be worth considering," Luke pressed on, his voice dropping to a near whisper. "They say she had help from the Moonlit Coven."

The Moonlit Coven. The very name sent a chill down my spine. A powerful group of witches, they were notorious for their secretive nature and magic. If they had indeed intervened, it could explain Hayley's miraculous survival. But it also meant our plan was in far greater jeopardy than I had anticipated.

They weren't exactly witches, nor did they possess a high level of magic. What they had more than everybody else was knowledge, and a strong affinity to nature. They had been included as part of the kingdom when Damian took over. My father had ostracized them once for indulgence in dark arts, but Damian had ignored that rule. People had been against it, but he clearly didn't care what the people wanted. He went ahead to bring witches into the midst of Werewolves.

If they offered Hayley assistance, then her survival would not be much of a surprise anymore. However, what didn't make sense was how she managed to stay alive for the coven to come to her aid. She should have died within minutes of getting stabbed, but she had managed to cling onto life until the moonlight coven witches made their appearance. Who exactly was this little bride of Damian's?

"The witches, don't tell me Miranda Green is the healer?" I asked and after watching Luke's expression fall, I knew the answer without him having to speak a word.

"I'm sorry, but she seems to be the one in charge now. Is there anything you'd like for me to tell her?" Luke asked and I nodded to answer his words.

"Tell her that she's nothing but a traitor, and that her obsession with Damian won't get her anywhere!" I screamed out before waving Luke away. Miranda was nothing but a two faced snake, and I should have known better than to believe that she would not help Damian ever again.

Miranda was the daughter of the founder of the moonlit coven, but it seemed like she had taken over for a while now. She had been obsessed with Damian ever since he defeated Maxwell Anders, and had even turned down my offer for alliance. Miranda only valued true strength, and would only pledge her allegiance to me when I overthrow Damian. However, after learning of Damian's new mate, she had played me into believing that she was no longer interested in that usurper. But now, she was back at his place, healing the same lady she had once cursed.

"Damn Traitor!!" I bellowed before turning to face the new presence in the room. "It took you long enough, you damn liar!" I cussed at Miranda, but she only replied to my words with a gentle smile.

"I received your words, Luke is flawless at being a double agent." She commented before walking over to the empty sofa. "So why did you call me here? Don't tell me you're jealous that I'm not giving you enough attention, is that it?"

I rolled my eyes at her words. Saying that I didn't feel a bit jealous would be a lie, but who would blame me? Miranda was no less than a goddess, and it was surprising how she would belittle herself for a man who didn't want her.

Her deep green eyes, with flecks of gold, were mesmerizing. They sparkled when she spoke, giving her an almost otherworldly allure.

Her skin was smooth and glowing, with a natural radiance that suggested a life well-lived. Her lips were full and a delicate shade of rose, curving into a smile that was both genuine and enchanting. I was doing my best from walking over and kissing her roughly. We had a fling, but her heart clearly belonged to Damian.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, I have questions and I need answers." I replied before pouring myself a glass of wine as a distraction from her angelic features.

"If this is about me healing the queen, then I must remind you that I'm obligated to follow the king's commands. I cannot refuse his words, not after what he's done for my people." Miranda said defensively. I knew it wasn't just because of the favor Damian had done for her and her people, she probably had other motives, but I wasn't interested in that at the moment.

"Tell me, the girl, how did she survive?!" I questioned with a sense of urgency.

Miranda smiled, she knew something, and I wanted to know it as well. "You're sharp as ever, a normal omega should have died minutes after getting stabbed, I was surprised as well. She would have healed perfectly fine even if I hadn't intervened."

"What? How? What is she?" I asked, now more intrigued than ever.

"Oh she's a special one. I haven't told the Alpha yet, but I guess I might just let you have this one first. Hayley's different, the blood of the first Werewolves flows through her veins."

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