
Title: Cosmic Mindscape: Rise of a Hidden Power

Synopsis: Alex Caldwell, a laid-back and unassuming young man, once led an ordinary life. But his fate changed drastically when a fragment of universe origin—the shard—bonded to his soul, granting him the ability to shape any ability of his choice. As Alex explores his newfound abilities---the cognichip--- he keeps a low profile, maintaining his job at a small bookkeeping firm and indulging in simple curiosities while quietly refining his mental strength and more powerful soul power.
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Blind Teacher, Spirit Beasts Shake the World

After being transported to a mystical world, An Chen awakens the Saint Teacher System and inherits the divine Fire of the Gods, a gift of immense power that comes at a heavy cost—three years of blindness. During this difficult time, compassionate villagers care for him, nurturing his hope and gratitude. To repay their kindness, An Chen establishes a humble school in the village, aiming to teach essential skills to the next generation. However, his students turn out to be anything but ordinary—they're animals! From giant pandas and tigers to black bears, sloths, and pythons, his classroom becomes a sanctuary for the extraordinary. Under An Chen’s guidance, these animals awaken their spiritual intelligence, evolving into powerful spirit beasts, adept in cultivation and martial arts. Over two years, their incredible transformations begin to reshape the world. When a Dragon Nation survey team visits the fabled Mountain of Ten Thousand Ancestors, they are met with an astonishing sight: a panda wielding a bamboo rod, a tiger mastering martial arts, and a bear effortlessly lifting motorcycles. Word of An Chen’s "students" spreads, shaking the world’s understanding of power and evolution. As spiritual energy revives globally, challengers emerge, seeking to prove their strength. Yet, when a humble turtle steps forward as the "Turtle Hermit" and defeats all opponents with ease, it leaves the world with a chilling declaration: “If you dare question the greatness of my master, An Chen, step forward and face him!”
Adam_2023 · 3k Views